Are you a recent graduate? Are you close to become a graduate? Are you wondering what it is going to be like to participate in the working world? Get ready to be a part of the “real world” and learn a bunch of new lessons! Just because late night studying for exams have stopped, doesn’t mean learning new things stops. The transition from student-life to working-life can be scary, but it doesn’t need to be. It should be exciting to enter a new chapter of life. Here are 5 ways to get your career off to the best start:

Accept that things will change: The moment you land your first job, your life is going to change drastically. Early mornings will become a routine, no more weekday partying, and maybe you’ve moved to a new city entirely. You must try your hardest to accept these changes and learn to embrace them in a positive light. This is a positive change and is an opportunity for you to grow and learn as a new person.

  • Accept that things will change: The moment you land your first job, your life is going to change drastically. Early mornings will become a routine, no more weekday partying, and maybe you’ve moved to a new city entirely. You must try your hardest to accept these changes and learn to embrace them in a positive light. This is a positive change and is an opportunity for you to grow and learn as a new person.
  • Be patient: Starting your first job can be exciting but also intimidating. You may not like some of your responsibilities and wonder why you spent four years of college just to go out on coffee runs. Know that this won’t be the case forever. Do your best to stay motivated. As you advance in your career, so will your tasks and responsibilities. Remember, even your boss and those on a higher level than you had to start out somewhere as well. Your first job will not be your last.
  • Do not compare yourself to others: In this world, it can feel like everyone is competing for something. With social media becoming more and more popular, people are constantly on a mission for more likes and shares. It can be easy to compare yourself to others. It is not healthy to do this, and it is not helpful to yourself. Talk to your friends in person for life updates instead of only searching online. You will come to find that a lot of them are in similar situations. Everyone has struggles when they are transitioning from student-life to work-life.
  • Understand that you will be expected to pick things up quickly: One thing that your college professors probably taught you was you cannot expect to be spoon-fed if you plan to be successful in your career. Your employer will likely help you in the beginning and have you complete training. It is vital that you are able to commit to new learning experiences and grasp your new responsibilities quickly. You will most definitely be able to use skills you learned in college such as time management, working under pressure, communication, and self-motivation. If you put these to use during your work-life transition, you will be on the path to success.
  • Always be confident: When you start a new job, you will realize that you don’t know everything. Sometimes you might even feel like you don’t know anything. This is no reason to shoot your confidence down. You earned your degree because you have the knowledge to succeed in the work world. Employers often like to hire new graduates because of their willingness to learn and the fresh new ideas they bring as well. If you happen to have a few suggestions or new ideas, don’t be afraid to bring them up. Confidence is key!

Transitioning from college to the “real world” can feel scary and intimidating. It doesn’t have to be that way! By following these 5 steps, you will be prepared to start your career and ensure that you will be successful in the future.

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